Saturday, November 30, 2013

Lend A Helping Hand

It really is fun to go out in your community and to lend a hand.  Not only can you make a difference but you can enjoy the time you spend while accomplishing it.  I highly recommend any current Girl Scouts to stick with the program and to contribute to our society with a service project.  And even if your are not in Girl Scouts or Boy Scouts there is still no excuse to not get involved and make a difference.  You will learn so much about your community and yourself.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Almost there

Red Ribbon week was a success and I am almost finished with my gold award project.  All that's left.
1. get pictures
2. check in with emory's art person
3. give my school the powerpoint flashdrive

Saturday, October 5, 2013


There is only 15 days left until October 21 and you know what that means!!!  The start of Red Ribbon Week AKA Drug Free Week.

What I have accomplished:
I have picked out an Art Piece For Emory Lung Cancer Center
Came up with what will go on the plaque

Whats left;
get flyers approve and hang them
meet one last time with assistant principal
them give presentations

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Mission: Fundraiser complete

I had my fundraiser this weekend selling the homemade dog treats and I made a profit of $86(plus the $231 I earned through cookie funds)despite the cold, windy, and rainy weather.  I plan on making a change in my project, instead of buying a piece of artwork for the Emory lung caner center I hope to just be able to donate the funds toward lung cancer research.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Next Step: Fundraising

My fundraiser is just around the corner. In order to be well prepared for this I have recruited some of my fellow girl scouts to help out with the fundraiser.  And I have also already started to bake the treats.  School will be starting this Monday and the fundraiser will be this Saturday, however, this week I hope to get together with my principal and look over and review the plans for Red Ribbon Week.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Proud to announce...

As of right now I have 83 hours and as you can see by my last post I still have more to do...  :)

Fact #9

Acne will last longer for teens who smoke...  :(  Don't smoke!

Last week of summer!!!

This summer has been amazing and I have gotten so much done regarding my Gold Award.  I have created flyers for red ribbon week, created the powerpoint, created a fundraiser, filled out most of the Gold Award final report.  All I have left is to have the fundraiser and use the money towards a piece of artwork for the Emory's lung cancer center.  Have my school approve the red ribbon week powerpoint and flyers.  Then hang the flyers and present the powerpoint.  And lastly create some article telling all I have done.  So close....

Fundraiser approved

I have finally received permission to do a dog treat fundraiser at a local farmers market for this 17th!!!

Friday, July 26, 2013

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Fact #8

  1. In last minute, about 7 people died just because of smoking which means smoking claims 1 life every eight seconds.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Calling all Twitter Fans

I have found an awesome twitter account that is full of information of smoking...check it out and follow if you like it...


the user is also following some great users who are all for no smoking

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Even more progress

Just withing 18 days I have put 10 more hours toward my gold award project!

53 going on 80

Fact #7

 Living in a polluted city is not a greater risk for lung cancer than smoking a pack of cigarettes a day. Air pollution is actually far less likely to cause lung cancer than smoking cigarettes. Being a smoker, or even being frequently exposed to second hand smoke is more dangerous than the level of air pollution encountered in US cities. In fact, about 87% of lung cancers are thought to result from smoking or passive exposure to tobacco smoke.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Fact #6

Some famous people who went through lung cancer include...Steve McQueen, John Wayne, Paul Newman, George Harrison, and Walt Disney.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013


I am currently looking into some different fundraiser ideas.  I think I will be making dog biscuits which I will then sell.  All the money will go towards a piece of artwork for the Emory Winship Cancer Center.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

An incredible story...

I found a blog that has a heartwarming story of a young cancer survivor who never smoked a day in her life.  Please check it out!

Doing quite well...

In able to achieve the gold award you need to put in a minimum of 80 hours...I am proud to report that I am over half way there.  As of this moment I have 43 hours.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Fact #5

Lung cancer is the most preventable form of cancer death in our society!!!

Make the right choice...don't smoke

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Fact #4

There are at least 13 different cancers you can get if you smoke!!!

Let Me Hear What you think...

Let me know whether or not my information has been helpful in anyways by going to this link below...

Opposite of Procrastinating

Lately I have been on a roll with my gold award project.  I have created a statistic filled powerpoint that I will present to health classes during Red Ribbon Week.  I have also created a class activity that shows how smoking does not only harm you but also the others around you and now I am going to make a poll on whether or not my information has been helpful or not.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Fact #3

Fact 3

About 8.6 million people in the United States have a serious illness as a result from smoking.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Fact #2

A single cigarette contains over 4,800 chemicals, 69 of which are known to cause cancer.

This is what I call progress!

One aspect of my project is to present a powerpoint discussing the effects of smoking to my high school.  I am glad to present that I have been granted permission!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

I have decided to create a tradition of posting a fun fact(however most are quite depressing) about lung cancer each week!

Fact # 1

The survival rate of lung cancer is only 16.4%

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Hi!  My name is Nicole and I am setting out on a mission to save my generation from a future with lung cancer.  Follow me on my journey to earn my gold award and also as I set out to save 4.1 million lungs.